Thursday 30 April 2009

I've got a new bling bling :)

I get to rest
It's already 3.41am
I just finish making and putting up this new banner
I took me SO LONG to figure out
I can finally go to my dreamland
Goodnite, ... I mean good morning XD
p/s- what you guys think of my new banner? :D


Anonymous said...

eh.. its animated!
nice one! =D

Rachel T. said...

yup, a new flashy banner :)
thanks,hehe !

Dragon City said...

good job! but it take quite sometime to load..

Rachel T. said...

really? hmm..i'll try to improve on that. thanks! :D

WayeYoung said...

its nice! yeah i had to wait abit for it to load.

after staring at it for like 6 times, my eyes hurt XD

good job though!

uncle shaq said...

lol .. flash .. nice :)

Rachel T. said...

wayne young & uncle> thanks!i'll try to work on flashy banner XD

WayeYoung said...

Rawr! Not wayne. waye young. lol