Tuesday, 28 October 2008

stupid streamyx

I'm so tired from my classes. I mean not attending class but the amount of time I have spent driving there. SO BORING! But then again, if I were to take public transport to uni, I'll be sleeping on my way there and back, lol.

Anyway, the main reason for me writing this post is that...I WANNA COMPLAIN ABOUT STREAMYX!!!! Guess what? I pay more than RM100 a month and how many times I get to access to the internet in a month time? Let's just say, if I 'm lucky enough, I'll get to use go online for 4/5 hours a day. If I'm unlucky, maybe I'll get to go online for around 2/3 hours a day or I CAN'T EVEN GO ONLINE AT ALL!!! I'm supposed to get the unlimited amount of accessing the internet but my house's internet is acting like a bitch to me and my housemates. We had called the streamyx personnel and they have restart it for 3 times already and I still cant use the internet 24/7 a day! sighh... Oh, maybe this is the way streamyx tries to earn our money. Minimize our usage while promising the best of the best.

whatever. I'm going to go rush my FYP proposal. ta.

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